
The class "vSFC" represents the simulated Service Function Chain, which is comprised of one or more instances of the "vMicroservice" class. The topology of the "vMicroservice" instances within the "vSFC" determines the order and type of simulated API calls when the "vSFC" is engaged by a simulated user.

The directional links between "vMicroservice" instances within the "vSFC" define the sequence of API calls that will occur. This topology simulates the flow of requests and interactions between the different microservices within the Service Function Chain.

On the other hand, the class "vNetworkService" serves as a collection of "vMicroservice" instances and their associated topology. Multiple instances of the "vSFC" class can be derived from a single "vNetworkService". For example, a "vNetworkService" representing the 5G SA core could contain one "vSFC" for user device authentication and another "vSFC" for internet access.

Both the "vSFC" and "vNetworkService" classes are considered ready only when all their associated "vMicroservice" instances have reached a ready state. The readiness of a "vMicroservice" is determined by various factors, such as the completion of initialization and the fulfilment of resource requirements.

When a "vSFC" is ready, it can be engaged by a simulated user. However, if the "vSFC" is not yet ready, the engagement will be put on hold until all the necessary components are in a ready state.

Overall, the "vSFC" and "vNetworkService" classes enable the modelling and simulation of Service Function Chains and their associated network services, ensuring readiness and proper sequencing of simulated API calls within the simulated cloud environment.