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In Akatosh, an Entity is an object that can engage events during its life-cycle like a NPC. The NPC like in games, can "do different things" and "these things" stop happening when the NPC is died.

Create an Entity

Entity can be created similar to an event:

import asyncio
from Akatosh.entity import Entity
from Akatosh.universe import universe

entity = Entity(1,3,"Entity")

However, upon creation of a entity, two instant events are created: creation & termination, which determine the life cycle of the entity. These two events can be accessed as:


Create an Entity after an event

Similar to event, you can define the creation time of an entity based on an event:

import asyncio
from Akatosh.entity import Entity
from Akatosh.universe import universe

entity = Entity(1,3,"Entity") 
entity2 = Entity(entity.termination, 4, "Second Entity") # entity 2 will be created after the first entity is terminated.

Entity with priority

Same as events, you can give priority to entity which are scheduled to be created at the same time:

import asyncio
from Akatosh.entity import Entity
from Akatosh.universe import universe

entity1 = Entity(1,3,"Entity 1", 1)
entity2 = Entity(1,4,"Entity 2", 2) # entity2 will be created after entity1 but still at 1s.


Engage a event

Akatosh gives a decorator to allow entity to engage an event. The engaged event will be assoicated with the entity. If a continous entity is engaged, it will be cancelled if the entity is terminated but the event is not ended. If a instant event is engaged but the entity terminated before it starts, the event will also be cancelled.

@entity.event(2,2,"Hello World")
def hello_world():
    print("Hello World!")