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Source code in Akatosh\
class Universe:
    _instance = None

    def __new__(cls):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """The simulation universe."""
        self._time_resolution = 3
        self._time_step = round(1 / pow(10, self.time_resolution), self.time_resolution)
        self._time = 0
        self._simulation_start_time = 0
        self._simulation_end_time = 0
        self._realtime = False
        self._current_event_priority = 0
        self._max_event_priority = 0
        self._pending_events: List[Event] = list()
        self._paused = False

    def simulate(self, till: float):
        """Simulate the universe until the given time."""

        async def _start_pending_events():
            if len(self.pending_events) != 0:
                for event in self.pending_events:

        # Define the flow of time
        async def time_flow():
            """Flow of time."""
  "Simulation started...")
            self._simulation_start_time = time.perf_counter()
            while self.time < till:
                if self.paused:
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)
                logger.debug(f"Simulation time:\t{self.time}")
                await _start_pending_events()
                if self.realtime:
                    iteration_start_time = (
                        time.perf_counter() - self.simulation_start_time
                        f"Iteration started at Real Time: {iteration_start_time:0.6f}"
                    # iterate through all event priorities
                    self._current_event_priority = 0
                    while self.current_event_priority <= self._max_event_priority:
                            f"Current Event Priority: {self.current_event_priority}"
                        await asyncio.sleep(0)
                        self._current_event_priority += 1
                    # finish the iteration
                    iteration_end_time = (
                        time.perf_counter() - self.simulation_start_time
                        f"Iteration finished at Real Time: {iteration_end_time:0.6f}"
                        f"FPS: {1/(iteration_end_time - iteration_start_time):0.6f}"
                    logger.debug(f"Completion: {(self.time/till)*100:0.2f}%")
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)

                    # iterate through all event priorities
                    self._current_event_priority = 0
                    while self.current_event_priority <= self._max_event_priority:
                            f"Current Event Priority: {self.current_event_priority}"
                        await asyncio.sleep(0)
                        self._current_event_priority += 1
                    # wait for the time step
                    self._time += self.time_step
                    self._time = round(self.time, self.time_resolution)
                    logger.debug(f"Completion: {(self.time/till)*100:0.2f}%")
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)

            self._simulation_end_time = time.perf_counter()
            logger.debug(f"Simulation finished in {self._simulation_end_time - self._simulation_start_time}s")
  "Simulation completed.")

        return time_flow()

    def enable_realtime(self):
        """Enable the real time simulation."""
        self._realtime = True

    def disable_realtime(self):
        """Disable the real time simulation."""
        self._realtime = False

    def pause(self):
        """Pause the simulation."""
        if self.paused:
            logger.warning("Simulation is already paused.")
        self._paused = True
        logger.debug(f"Simulation paused at {self.time}.")

    def resume(self):
        """Resume the simulation."""
        if not self.paused:
            logger.warning("Simulation is already running.")
        self._paused = False
        logger.debug(f"Simulation resumed at {self.time}.")

    def set_logging_level(self, level: int = logging.DEBUG):
        """Set the logging level. Default is DEBUG."""

    def time(self):
        """Return the current time."""
        if Mundus.realtime:
            return time.perf_counter() - self._simulation_start_time
            return self._time

    def time_resolution(self):
        """Return the time resolution. 1 for 0.1s, 2 for 0.01s, 3 for 0.001s, and so on. Default is 3."""
        if self._time_resolution < 0:
            raise ValueError("Time resolution cannot be less than 0.")
        return self._time_resolution

    def time_resolution(self, value: int):
        """Set the time resolution. 1 for 0.1s, 2 for 0.01s, 3 for 0.001s, and so on. Default is 3."""
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError("Time resolution cannot be less than 0.")
        self._time_resolution = value
        self._time_step = round(1 / pow(10, self.time_resolution), self.time_resolution)

    def time_step(self):
        """The time step of the simulation. Default is 0.001s."""
        return self._time_step

    def realtime(self):
        """Return True if the simulation is in real time mode, otherwise False. Default is False."""
        return self._realtime

    def pending_events(self):
        """The events that are pending to be executed. Please note that this is not the queue for future events. This is used for start async tasks for the events."""
        return self._pending_events

    def current_event_priority(self):
        """The current event priority."""
        return self._current_event_priority

    def max_event_priority(self):
        """The maximum event priority."""
        return self._max_event_priority

    def simulation_start_time(self):
        """The time when the simulation started."""
        return self._simulation_start_time

    def simulation_end_time(self):
        """The time when the simulation ended."""
        return self._simulation_end_time

    def paused(self):
        """Return True if the simulation is paused, otherwise False."""
        return self._paused

current_event_priority property

The current event priority.

max_event_priority property

The maximum event priority.

paused property

Return True if the simulation is paused, otherwise False.

pending_events property

The events that are pending to be executed. Please note that this is not the queue for future events. This is used for start async tasks for the events.

realtime property

Return True if the simulation is in real time mode, otherwise False. Default is False.

simulation_end_time property

The time when the simulation ended.

simulation_start_time property

The time when the simulation started.

time property

Return the current time.

time_resolution property writable

Return the time resolution. 1 for 0.1s, 2 for 0.01s, 3 for 0.001s, and so on. Default is 3.

time_step property

The time step of the simulation. Default is 0.001s.


The simulation universe.

Source code in Akatosh\
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """The simulation universe."""
    self._time_resolution = 3
    self._time_step = round(1 / pow(10, self.time_resolution), self.time_resolution)
    self._time = 0
    self._simulation_start_time = 0
    self._simulation_end_time = 0
    self._realtime = False
    self._current_event_priority = 0
    self._max_event_priority = 0
    self._pending_events: List[Event] = list()
    self._paused = False


Disable the real time simulation.

Source code in Akatosh\
def disable_realtime(self):
    """Disable the real time simulation."""
    self._realtime = False


Enable the real time simulation.

Source code in Akatosh\
def enable_realtime(self):
    """Enable the real time simulation."""
    self._realtime = True


Pause the simulation.

Source code in Akatosh\
def pause(self):
    """Pause the simulation."""
    if self.paused:
        logger.warning("Simulation is already paused.")
    self._paused = True
    logger.debug(f"Simulation paused at {self.time}.")


Resume the simulation.

Source code in Akatosh\
def resume(self):
    """Resume the simulation."""
    if not self.paused:
        logger.warning("Simulation is already running.")
    self._paused = False
    logger.debug(f"Simulation resumed at {self.time}.")


Set the logging level. Default is DEBUG.

Source code in Akatosh\
def set_logging_level(self, level: int = logging.DEBUG):
    """Set the logging level. Default is DEBUG."""


Simulate the universe until the given time.

Source code in Akatosh\
def simulate(self, till: float):
    """Simulate the universe until the given time."""

    async def _start_pending_events():
        if len(self.pending_events) != 0:
            for event in self.pending_events:

    # Define the flow of time
    async def time_flow():
        """Flow of time.""""Simulation started...")
        self._simulation_start_time = time.perf_counter()
        while self.time < till:
            if self.paused:
                await asyncio.sleep(0)
            logger.debug(f"Simulation time:\t{self.time}")
            await _start_pending_events()
            if self.realtime:
                iteration_start_time = (
                    time.perf_counter() - self.simulation_start_time
                    f"Iteration started at Real Time: {iteration_start_time:0.6f}"
                # iterate through all event priorities
                self._current_event_priority = 0
                while self.current_event_priority <= self._max_event_priority:
                        f"Current Event Priority: {self.current_event_priority}"
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)
                    self._current_event_priority += 1
                # finish the iteration
                iteration_end_time = (
                    time.perf_counter() - self.simulation_start_time
                    f"Iteration finished at Real Time: {iteration_end_time:0.6f}"
                    f"FPS: {1/(iteration_end_time - iteration_start_time):0.6f}"
                logger.debug(f"Completion: {(self.time/till)*100:0.2f}%")
                await asyncio.sleep(0)

                # iterate through all event priorities
                self._current_event_priority = 0
                while self.current_event_priority <= self._max_event_priority:
                        f"Current Event Priority: {self.current_event_priority}"
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)
                    self._current_event_priority += 1
                # wait for the time step
                self._time += self.time_step
                self._time = round(self.time, self.time_resolution)
                logger.debug(f"Completion: {(self.time/till)*100:0.2f}%")
                await asyncio.sleep(0)

        self._simulation_end_time = time.perf_counter()
        logger.debug(f"Simulation finished in {self._simulation_end_time - self._simulation_start_time}s")"Simulation completed.")

    return time_flow()